3A Pesticide Applicator Training
The four basic principles for managing pests in turfgrass.
The five steps of Integrated Pest Management – IPM.
Economic Injury Level and Action Threshold.
Turfgrass pest monitoring techniques.
Choice of cultural methods, or
Choice of pesticide
Biological Control
Turfgrass pesticide modes of action
The various types of grasses grown for Michigan turf and their categories.
Requirements for healthy turfgrass.
Nutrients important to turfgrass health.
Determining which turfgrass types are best for a specific site.
Identify mistakes in turfgrass management that could contribute to poor turf stands and pest problems.
The Federal and State laws relevant to turfgrass applications.
Applicator responsibilities in the laws.
Posting and notifications for 3A Commercial Certified applicators
The various types of pesticide application equipment.
The basic components of sprayers.
Describe how to properly apply a pesticide using granular or spray equipment.
Explain how to maintain equipment in good working order to prevent failure.
How to calculate the area size where a pesticide will be applied.
Calibration is knowing how much the sprayer is putting out.
Adjustments to application equipment that are possible to get the right application rate.
Pre calibration equipment check.
When, where and how often to calibrate.
The 1/128 or Ounces to Gallons calibration method.
The difference in biology between monocots and dicots.
The 4 stages of weed development.
Life cycles of annual, biennial and perennial weeds.
Identify the major turfgrass weeds found in Michigan.
Management strategies to manage turfgrass weeds.
How to use herbicides and dealing with hard-to-control weeds.
Weather and herbicide applications.
How to correct herbicide application mistakes.
What is a turf disease and what is a turf disorder.
The disease pyramid and how it helps you manage turf diseases.
Symptoms of common turf disease.
Signs of common turf disease.
Fungicide modes of action –protectant, contact and systemic.
Insect pests relevant to turfgrass in Michigan.
Recognize damage symptoms caused by insect pests.
Know when certain pests may be active during the growing season.
Pest management methods to prevent loss.
Most common vertebrate turf pests in Michigan.
How to minimize mole damage to turfgrass.
MDARD test format
Question types
Making the best choice